Monday 13 December 2010

5 Reasons Why Alcohol Will Destroy Your Muscle Gains

I’m sorry to say it, but yes, too much alcohol will almost definitely have a significant negative impact on your bodybuilding results. Alcohol is far more harmful than most people think, and it’s very important that you understand how this drug (yes, alcohol is a drug) is affecting your progress. This is not an anti-drug speech, but if you’re serious about achieving a truly impressive physique, you should definitely be aware of the 5 main ways that alcohol is slowing down your gains

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Look At Bodybuilding As A Sport

Competitive bodybuilding is a sport in which athletes attempt to develop and maintain a perfect muscular body shape. As bodybuilding competitors show off their physique and perform with a number of poses, they are judged by a qualified panel of experts who will render the final decision as to the winner.

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Sunday 12 December 2010

Home Gym Full Body Training Routines

Bodybuilding Home Gym

We all know how difficult in might be to make it to the gym after 9 long hours at work. I bet it has happened to you as well.But what do you do when you don’t feel you have the energy to stop by the local gym on your way home? Or may be you don’t have the time for a workout at the gym. You can only use 20 – 30 min.

What’s the solution then? It could be only one – a full body workout at your home gym.

But first take this from me. If you don’t have a home gym set up already, don’t even think of missing a workout. Go to the local gym where you are a member. Missing a single workout can set a path for a habit. Vice versa, not missing a workout won’t let you think of such an option.So, let’s suppose that it’s one of these days when you can’t make it to the gym, and are planning on working out at home. That means you have a gym of some sort, already set up.

You Might Have a Home-Gym Machine

In this article I want to advise you on your choices for a full body routine. The workout you will pick however, will all depend on how your home gym is equipped.For example you might have a home-gym machine. Or you might be a hardcore bodybuilder. Then you have free weights as your main equipment.

If you belong to the first group – you own a home gym machine – this is the part you should be reading.

The simplest home gym machines are equipped for at least several exercises such as: bench press, lat pull down, seated rows, biceps curls, triceps push-downs, leg extensions and standing hamstring curls.

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4 Harmful Muscle Building Myths Uncovered

If you’re serious about making a solid commitment to a muscle building program, you need to be very careful of who you take advice from. Bodybuilding and fitness is literally a multi-billion dollar industry with new websites popping up every single day. Many of the so-called

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8 Cheap Home Gym Essentials

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You can make a cheap home gym that gets the job done if you buy the essentials. As long as you stick with the proven equipment list -and stay away from the latest ab-flexor you can’t go wrong.

The following are 8 cheap home gym must-haves:

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Saturday 11 December 2010

Best Bodybuilding Supplements

The days when bodybuilding guys use to take steroids to boost their muscle mass have long gone(now they have bodybuilding supplements) , and those who attempt to use anabolic steroids in an attempt to get a competitive edge run a very high risk of being caught and stripped of any titles they have won , some would say that being caught is inevitable.

Bodybuilding Supplements

So how, then, do bodybuilders manage to build such huge muscles that seem far larger than those of other professional athletes? Is it because they spend so long in the gym and are very dedicated? Well, yes, bodybuilders have to have great dedication, but they also take bodybuilding supplements. These supplements are 100% legal and don’t have the nasty side effects of the old anabolic steroids, such as

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Bodybuilding Fitness Elementary Tips

This story deals with bodybuilding and contains all the relevant information about . If you are interested to read on.Being interested in bodybuilding means that you must be eager to gain as much information as possible. To make things easier for you, we have this article for you having all the relevant information on bodybuilding.

A Body to Go-Bodybuilding Fitness Elementary

If you were skeptical in reading this bodybuilding article thinking it would be the same run of the mill stuff about skeptical, you must now be confirmed that it is not the case here and that you should continue with the article.So you want to be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger? Or perhaps you are a Lenda Murray-wanna-be? Well, good for you! So here is the thing. To get the best bodybuilding shape, you need to keep a few bodybuilding fitness pointers in mind. Examination articles is surely a very good way of increasing ones knowledge but for that you would have to search through a lot of trash. We think that some of your needs must have been satisfied through reading this article about bodybuilding.

Movement to take for Bodybuilding Fitness

The principal logical movement to take for any bodybuilding novice is setting his goal. Ask yourself the following questions: Why do I want to be a bodybuilder? Why do I want to have a fit body? Whatever your reason may be, whether you want to be healthy or want to look good, just make sure that you are doing this for yourself. A high percentage of bodybuilding fitness programs are successful mainly because its participants are looking to improve themselves.

Bodybuilding Fitness Logbook

You can also keep a bodybuilding fitness logbook to record your progress and the goals you have set and achieved during the program. For instance, you can place an entry in your bodybuilding fitness logbook that you want to do 10 reps today. Then later during the day, you can put in some comments on how you did, whether or not you have achieved the bodybuilding fitness goal you have set for yourself. A simple record-keeping can make a whole lot of difference for a bodybuilding success.

Bodybuilding Fitness Tips

Below are a few more bodybuilding fitness tips to get you going:

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Friday 10 December 2010

Are you having trouble building muscle?

Building Muscle

Have you been bulding muscle going to the gym regularly for months and have not been able to put on any serious poundage? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it s time to take a step back and make some plans. Building muscle is not rocket science. There are four key factors that will mean the difference between building muscle and staying skinny. You have to ask yourself these four questions.

Is my diet optimized for building muscle?

It is time to get out of the

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Build Big Biceps-Strong Arms And Solid Triceps

In every gym that you go to, you will see people pumping their biceps. Biceps along with the pecs and abs are sometimes called vanity muscles because they are the most visible and therefore commands the most respect. Invariably, when you ask someone to show you his muscles, he will probably flex his biceps.

Biceps Development

Before we discuss biceps development, I want to point out that the biceps make up only one third of your upper arm with triceps the other two-thirds. So to have an impressive arm, you must build your triceps too or the effort on your biceps will not show good results. Many people fail to realize this and that is why you see them doing curls after curls without much improvement. We will touch on triceps exercises in another article. For now, let’s talk about biceps.

Blast Your Biceps

Here are some exercises that will blast your biceps. Most of you would have done some or all of these exercises. The question I am asking is, are the exercises done in the correct form and techniques because if they are not, you will most likely be wasting your time as your biceps will not grow to its full potential. Perform each exercise for 3-5 sets once or twice a week and at reps between 6-10, but make sure that at the high end of the reps, you will not be so fatigued that you can not perform another rep in good form.

Biceps execises

a) Standing Barbell Curl-EZY Bar

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Your Weight in Muscle

You probably have heard that muscle weighs more than fat. Many people notice a small weight gain when they begin lifting weights consistently. As a general rule, if you lift weights 2 to 3 times a week, you can gain 1 pound of muscle per month for about 6 months. After that, the rate of increase slows down as you start to reach your genetic potential. For the same reason, you will make a lot of progress on weight progression at the beginning, but the longer you lift your progression will lessen because you are reaching your genetic potential.

3 pounds of muscle

Do not be alarmed at the extra pounds of weight from weight training because it is well worth the effort. For every 3 pounds of muscle you build, research shows you increase your resting metabolic rate by about 7 percent. For example, if your body burns 1,200 calories per day (not counting exercise or any other movement), you would burn an extra 84 calories per day with those 3 extra pounds of muscle.

Huge Muscle for Women or Not

Many women have a difficult time outgrowing 2-3 pound dumbbell weights, because they are afraid that if they increase the weight they will bulk up. If you are happy with the strength and appearance of your muscles, you can do a maintenance program with 5 pound weights. However, if you want more muscle strength, you could progress to 8 or 10 pound weights and still not bulk up. Using heavier weights can increase muscle size, but it is highly unlikely that you will get bulky. Women do not naturally have enough of the hormone, testosterone, required to build huge muscles, and even if you could bulk up, you’d have to use significantly heavier weights.

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Thursday 9 December 2010

7 Reasons Why Your Muscles Stop Growing

Have ever wondered why your muscles stopped growing after a few months of bodybuilding training even though you are training very hard? Here are 7 reasons why your muscles stopped growing and how to get your muscle to grow again biger and faster.

Why Your Muscles Stop Growing

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Female Bodybuilder

There are certainly a small handful of women who will fit into this category and they compete in the elite championships such as the Ms Olympia, however the vast majority of women() who are involved in are using it purely for toning the body and for fitness.


Female bodybuilding is an excellent sport for young women to strengthen their muscles, burn fat, and lift their overall fitness levels so they can compete at a higher level in other sports.

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Wednesday 8 December 2010

Build Muscle Fast-Chest

Build Muscle Fast-Beautiful chest

Build muscle fast for your chest with the techniques you will learn from this short guide. A muscular chest will make you stand out from the crowd in a spectacular way, and this can be achieved with less time invested than many people think. Here is how to build muscle fast and have a beautiful chest.

-Tip 1

Build muscle fast for chest by not ignoring half of your workout. It is a common mistake to think that only the time when you are striving to lift weights is important, but that is simply not true. The negative lifting, or release phase can help you speed up your muscles development if you use it properly. Weight lifters at all levels of experience make the common mistake of allowing gravity to assist them. Avoid falling into this trap, and the extra exertion will add greatly to the gains you make from your lifting. This is the most effective way to build chest muscles fast.

-Tip 2

Use dumbbells, not barbells. Although working with barbells will still produce positive results, these will not be optimum, because you should be working each pectoral muscle separately. The human body is never exactly the same on both sides, so when you lift barbells you are really allowing the stronger side of your body to compensate for the weaker side. If you use a separate weight for each side, you can tailor the weight to each side’s needs, and produce far better results.

-Tip 3

Incorporate pull ups into your routine. Chin ups were not designed to build your chest, but when they are performed with a wide grip, they can be very effective in building the sides of your abdomen and the very outside of your pectorals. Following your mainstream chest press exercises, do a few chin ups, and you will notice the difference they make in helping you to build muscle fast for your chest. There are also side benefits to this work, as your back and shoulders are developed in conjunction with your chest.

-Tip 4

by making use of combo sets. As soon as you have finished on exercise, whatever that may be, do not wait to have a rest period, move straight to the next exercise

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Build Muscle And Burn Fat With 4 Simple Steps

Build muscle and burn fat are the two most important factors in building an exceptional atletic body, so you will want to heed the advice in this guide. The desire for a strong, healthy body is common enough, and there is no shortage of information out there. Not all of it is accurate, so here in this article we show you how to build muscle and burn fat the right way.

Step 1 – Build Muscle And Burn Fat

The basics which you need to know to build muscle and burn fat effectively are cardio exercises and resistance training, which more often than not involves lifting weights at a home gym or local one. Weight lifting is excellent for your muscles, giving them more strength, and improving their efficiency. The weight lifting will then bulk up the muscles with extra size, and the cardio burns off excess fat, and gives your heart a stimulating workout.

Step 2 – Build Muscle And Burn Fat

Once you have developed a settled exercise program with both cardio and resistance training, the most effective way to build muscle and burn fat as quickly as possible is to cut the rest periods in between exercises right down. This makes your gym work a lot more strenuous, and you need to be very careful. Provided you stay within your limits, your muscles will benefit enormously from working at the point of exhaustion.

Step 3 – Build Muscle And Burn Fat

One often overlooked, but extremely important, factor in the efficacy of your workouts is your diet. Learning which foods to eat at any given stage is a vital factor in being able to build muscle and burn fat. Very few bodybuilders really know how to do this. Muscles need protein to rebuild themselves after a strenuous workout, so take in protein food as soon as you can. Try it for a month, and see what happens. Try it with low fat protein such as tuna or chicken, and you should be pleased with the results and the shape of your body.

Step 4 – Build Muscle And Burn Fat

Make sure the weights you lift are right. Whereas most people will tell you to make sure you are not lifting too much weight, and that is indeed sound’s as an advice, you also need to know that there are more people in gyms under lifting than over lifting. Many weightlifters struggle to see gains because they are not lifting enough weight to work the muscles. A weight which you can only manage to lift for 6 to 8 reps is ideal to build muscle and burn fat. Find a weight which you can only lift around 6 times, and keep practising lifting until you can lift the weight more than six times. When you can lift the weight ten times with relative ease, it is time to increase the weight again and so on from now.

Follow these simple but effective 4 advice’s in this guide, and you will find yourself able to build muscle and burn fat ,like never before.

Tags: big arm muscles, body, build muscle, cardio exercises, Fat, guide, how to build muscle fast, lifting weights, resistance training, rest periods, Step, strenuous workout, way, weight

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Monday 6 December 2010

FDA, FTC crack down on caffeinated alcoholic drinks

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Sunday 5 December 2010

Eating, Having Sex Reduce Anxiety in Similar Ways

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Melatonin Protects Aging Mitochondria

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OVIEDO, Spain – Melatonin may support healthy mitochondrial function in the brain, fighting oxidative stress linked to age-related neuron damage, according to a new study (J Pineal Res. ePub 9 Nov 2010. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-079X.2010.00809.x). Researchers from Oviedo University and the University of Extremadura examined the effects of melatonin in the brains of aged mice, and found the antioxidant attenuated beta-amyloid protein expression and alpha-synuclein deposits in the brain. In addition, while old mice that did not receive melatonin showed high levels of oxidative stress and nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB, melatonin treatment suppressed both outcomes. Expression of superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2) by mitochondria was increased in both treated and control animals; however, melatonin appeared to inhibit the activation of the NF-kappaB pathway, preventing increased oxidative injury. The team concluded melatonin could restore the mitochondrial health of age-damaged neurons, possibly by reducing the mitochondrial contribution to oxidative stress.

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Lose weight with Coffee mannooligosaccharides?

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Saturday 4 December 2010

Milk thistle, vitamin E and fish oil fats can prevent and reverse fatty liver disease

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MusclePharm Signs Multi-Year Deal With WBFF

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Friday 3 December 2010

Pomegranate Juice Reduces Damage to Tissues, Inflammation and Infections

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Those With High Alpha-Carotene Blood Levels Live Much Longer

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Putting the Squeeze on Fat Cells

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Thursday 2 December 2010

Coffee and a Sweet Treat to Think Better?

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Red Onions Help Reduce Blood Glucose Levels

CategoriesSelect CategoryBodybuildingFitnessHealthIFBB NewsNewsNPC NewsSportsSteroidsSupplementsCalendarNovember 2010MTWTFSS« Oct  123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 LinksIronMagazineIronMagLabsMessage BoardPhoto GalleryTop SitesArchivesNovember 2010October 2010September 2010August 2010July 2010June 2010May 2010April 2010March 2010February 2010January 2010December 2009November 2009October 2009September 2009August 2009July 2009June 2009May 2009April 2009March 2009February 2009January 2009December 2008November 2008October 2008September 2008August 2008July 2008June 2008May 2008April 2008March 2008February 2008January 2008December 2007 - November 24th, 2010

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Wednesday 1 December 2010

Why Are We Getting Fatter? Researchers Seek a Mysterious Culprit

Red Onions Help Reduce Blood Glucose LevelsCategoriesSelect CategoryBodybuildingFitnessHealthIFBB NewsNewsNPC NewsSportsSteroidsSupplementsCalendarNovember 2010MTWTFSS« Oct  123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 LinksIronMagazineIronMagLabsMessage BoardPhoto GalleryTop SitesArchivesNovember 2010October 2010September 2010August 2010July 2010June 2010May 2010April 2010March 2010February 2010January 2010December 2009November 2009October 2009September 2009August 2009July 2009June 2009May 2009April 2009March 2009February 2009January 2009December 2008November 2008October 2008September 2008August 2008July 2008June 2008May 2008April 2008March 2008February 2008January 2008December 2007 - November 24th, 2010

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Female Sexual Enhancements

Why Are We Getting Fatter? Researchers Seek a Mysterious CulpritRed Onions Help Reduce Blood Glucose LevelsCategoriesSelect CategoryBodybuildingFitnessHealthIFBB NewsNewsNPC NewsSportsSteroidsSupplementsCalendarNovember 2010MTWTFSS« Oct  123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 LinksIronMagazineIronMagLabsMessage BoardPhoto GalleryTop SitesArchivesNovember 2010October 2010September 2010August 2010July 2010June 2010May 2010April 2010March 2010February 2010January 2010December 2009November 2009October 2009September 2009August 2009July 2009June 2009May 2009April 2009March 2009February 2009January 2009December 2008November 2008October 2008September 2008August 2008July 2008June 2008May 2008April 2008March 2008February 2008January 2008December 2007 - November 24th, 2010

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Testosterone Supplement Gains US approval

Female Sexual EnhancementsWhy Are We Getting Fatter? Researchers Seek a Mysterious CulpritRed Onions Help Reduce Blood Glucose LevelsCategoriesSelect CategoryBodybuildingFitnessHealthIFBB NewsNewsNPC NewsSportsSteroidsSupplementsCalendarNovember 2010MTWTFSS« Oct  123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 LinksIronMagazineIronMagLabsMessage BoardPhoto GalleryTop SitesArchivesNovember 2010October 2010September 2010August 2010July 2010June 2010May 2010April 2010March 2010February 2010January 2010December 2009November 2009October 2009September 2009August 2009July 2009June 2009May 2009April 2009March 2009February 2009January 2009December 2008November 2008October 2008September 2008August 2008July 2008June 2008May 2008April 2008March 2008February 2008January 2008December 2007 - November 24th, 2010

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Tuesday 30 November 2010

More Protein, Less Refined Starch Important for Dieting, Large Study Shows

Testosterone Supplement Gains US approvalFemale Sexual EnhancementsWhy Are We Getting Fatter? Researchers Seek a Mysterious CulpritRed Onions Help Reduce Blood Glucose LevelsCategoriesSelect CategoryBodybuildingFitnessHealthIFBB NewsNewsNPC NewsSportsSteroidsSupplementsCalendarNovember 2010MTWTFSS« Oct  123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 LinksIronMagazineIronMagLabsMessage BoardPhoto GalleryTop SitesArchivesNovember 2010October 2010September 2010August 2010July 2010June 2010May 2010April 2010March 2010February 2010January 2010December 2009November 2009October 2009September 2009August 2009July 2009June 2009May 2009April 2009March 2009February 2009January 2009December 2008November 2008October 2008September 2008August 2008July 2008June 2008May 2008April 2008March 2008February 2008January 2008December 2007 - November 27th, 2010

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Is Your Grocery Store Making You Fat?

howdy shopper,

Let’s face it – every nutrition decision you make starts in the grocery store.

If you don’t know what foods to choose…and which to lose, you will continue to struggle in achieving that lean, healthy body you’ve desired.

Over 90% of shoppers make impulse buys

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Monday 29 November 2010

1 Simple Trick To Lose Fat And Stay Active

Hello Friend,

Sometime ago I was at Dick’s Sporting Good and bought a $20.00 pedometer and for the past few weeks I have been clipping it onto my belt every morning and wearing it all day to see how many steps I take each day. 

Its a pretty cool and simple little device that tallies up your steps every day.  I’ve been shooting to hit 10,000 steps a day.  Between walking around normally during the day and taking my little English Bulldog for walks around the neighborhood I have been hitting that goal pretty close to everyday.  

Fat Loss Expert Tom Venuto recently reminder me of a “2006 research study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion found that in previously sedentary overweight adults, subjects who met a 10,000-steps-per-day goal saw large improvements in body composition. Those who missed their goal did not.”

Researcher Dr. Vicki Harber said, “Getting people to do more than they currently do is imperative. The 10,000 step program is an excellent starting point. The pedometer itself provides instant feedback, is motivating for many and shows accumulated steps very nicely. It is self-paced and is geared toward getting people who do virtually nothing to do something. ‘Something’ is definitely better than nothing. So – we encourage people to accumulate 10,000 steps over the day. This would include shuffling back and forth from your desk to the photo-copier or the coffee machine as well as a hurried sprint to catch the bus. All the steps count.”

I of course recommend that you follow a structured progressive resistance training program and doing regular cardio workouts if you really want to make significant progress towards a leaner physique – the 10,000 steps a day pedometer trick is just another simple trick to help move you along the way.

Do yourself a favor and head to your local sports good store and pick one up.

Train with purpose,

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Working From Home: My Story Of Lean, To Fat, Back To Lean and Now Fit For Life

I have struggled with my weight since I was in grade school.  I think that is one of the key reasons I gravitated towards studying Exercise Physiology in College. I graduated college ready to change the world and help anyone who would listen with understanding how to get lean and fit.

I studied, trained, and soaked up fitness information, I studied human nature and psychology, and I worked with kids, athletes, adults, and seniors applying what I had learned in the real world.

I loved training and working with people and after years in the field I had the opportunity to go down a new path…

A Path that would allow me to help thousands and thousands of people in less time… from my home.

You see, although I loved my work I knew I wanted more for myself.  I wanted to help more people than just those few I was able to work with in my local area. 

I wanted to also gain control of my own personal schedule, I wanted income freedom, and I wanted to live and work on my terms – not someone elses. I wanted more for myself…

(If you work from home you might relate).  

I took some chances and calculated risks…

I put together a plan on how to make my dreams a reality and I partnered with one of my long time mentors Tom Ventuto, author of “Burn The Fat, Feed the Muscle” to help him build an online fat loss support community called the Burn The Fat Inner Circle. 

After 3 months in a row where my ‘Internet Side Job’ was making me more money than my fulltime job I made the switch and went full time online…

I quit my job at the Physical Therapy clinic I was working for.

I started working with less personal training clients so I could spend more time on building the Inner Circle.

I bought a house and put a home office in one of the rooms…

I spent hours every day learning about online business, building out the Burn The Fat Inner Circle, and ‘sharpening my online skills’ so I could make my dream a reality. 

I did end up building a very successful online business working how I wanted, when I wanted, from my home office but it came at a cost. 

In my previous life I was extremely active all day, on my feet, training people hands on in the gym. 

In my new life I sat in front of a computer all day long…

It caught up with me and I started packing on the pounds and I am not sure if you can relate but the mind has a way of tricking you and it was not until I saw a family picture with me in it.

I looked fat and bloated and could not believe that was me…

How did this happen?

How did I go from being in such great shape to being so out of shape? 

I will reveal to you why this happened, how I stopped the cycle, and what I did to get my physique back. 

There are so many amazing benefits to working from home but I don’t think you have to let your body go as part of the deal.

I will be showing you how you can work from home AND live a fit lifestyle in a body that you are proud of. 

Stay tuned and train with purpose,

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